Saturday, May 3, 2008

The last day before the working life starts...

Well it's finally Sunday and I'm gonna start working tomorrow, I'm looking forward to it and yet I'm feeling a little scared? It's gonna be a whole new beginning, I don't know what's coming my way but I'm absolutely ready to welcome what's coming my way.

Actually I've got nothing much to be worried about since my company is so close to home. I just hope that when I start working those laziness that I had for the past few months can fade away soon. Data Analyst might not sound interesting and all, but I'm glad to be given an opportunity to try it out. Don't think I'll be able to blog as much as I used to from now onwards. Not like people really read anyway.

Well I always make mistake, I don't have great personality too. I pissed off easily. I respect everyone I've met as how they respect themselves. But there are also people who made me total lost my respect to them when I realised that they themselves don't even respect their own mind, body and soul especially when they are like giving all sorts of excuses and keep lying to themselves. Since they themselves don't give a damn about it, so why should I give a damn?So eventually "I find bliss in ignorance". The only thing I could do is to keep quiet and move on with my own life. Want to gain my respect again? Learn to respect yourself first.

I really appreciate every single friendship that I've made since the first day I started to make friends with others. When I became friends with others, I tend to give my whole heart out. But somehow not like everyone appreciate that. Some people think that friends are meant to take advantages of each other. No. That's not right at all. But somehow just face it, in this world today, majority of people are self-centered, taking other's advantage. *sigh* So I shall not say anything anymore. Keeping quiet and live my own life is the best option to do.

Anyway, that's about it for now. I wish everyone well on their upcoming days, till then take care. Ciaoz.

1 comment:

Kevster said...

Good luck for the next one year sister! I am here when ever you need to de-stress but you know I also need people to de-stress me. Those people are really making me go bonkers.