Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Life is all about waiting...

Yep indeed...We waited ever since the moment our parents "made" us. Waited for 9 months or so to be born into this world. When we were a baby, our parents waited for us to grow to crawl, walk, calling "papa" and "mama" while everyday we were waiting for time to pass by and to be fed when we were hungry. We waited for our favorite cartoons, commercial break on tv. Then we waited to go to school to get to know new friends, to be educated. When we were in school, we waited to finish our studies, and waited to work.

After we graduated, we waited for the right job to catch our eyes, then we apply for it. After we applied for it, we waited for the company to call up for an interview. Right after we attended the interview, we waited for "good news" from the company. If the company called to notify you the good news, you waited to start work. When you start work during the first week, you waited for your task. Then when you got your task, you'll be waiting for holidays to come. Then every end of the month, you will be waiting for the amount in your bank account to increase.

After that you will be waiting for your work to be appreciated, best, get promoted, salary increase. After your job got pretty steady and you got everything under control, you'll be waiting for love to come. If love comes, you will need to wait for the day when you and your other half's relationship comes to a point where the both of you can get married. Then after get married, waiting for a child to come into the family. Then wait for the child to grow up and earn money for you to use, to help you out and you retire then you wait for the day you die.

Wait wait wait. Life is all about waiting isn't it? Just like now, I'm waiting for my eyes to get sleepy and go to bed. So... goodnight :D

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